Magical Practice is THE BEST tool for somatic healing…

…and I say this as someone who has tried ALL OF IT. ALL THE THINGS.

I started to question our culture’s obsession with therapy when I realized that about 60% of my clients and students were therapists. It was 2018-2021 and I was working with a TON of therapists. Don’t get me wrong, I have the highest admiration for this profession and I think it has done wonders for opening new doors of awareness, and it offers so much at different stages of healing and growing.

AND… the therapists were hiring ME because even they could feel that they were hitting the limits of what talk-based modalities could reach and resolve in the human experience. Maybe it is because we had started hitting a new crescendo of how much trauma- culturally and generationally- was moving in our bodies. Maybe it’s simply the natural evolution in our awareness of healing. Either way… talking was- and is- hitting it’s limits of effectiveness.

I discovered energy work one year into my own journey with therapy and about 3 months into being cold-turkey sober. I actually ACCIDENTALLY ended up in a Reiki session and would have left if I hadn’t been such a people-pleaser; more afraid of hurting that nice feather-lady’s feelings than I was of experiencing whatever bullshit was about to happen to me.

I was DEEPLY skeptical. And resistant. But I FELT something. I felt things in my body, and I felt a profound shift in my physical experience after just that one session. I didn’t believe in it, but I FELT it.

One session turned to two, and after that second session I said “I don’t know what this is, and I don’t believe in it… but I want to learn”. That is when I started studying Energy Work, through the traditions of Reiki and Shamanism to start.

I lost about 25 lbs without really trying. I was able to stay sober for a full year with ease while other addict friends were white knuckling it and constantly relapsing. Therapy started to actually really, deeply work because I could feel my body and name experiences moving in my Soma: the energy work had opened a tremendous relationship to my self that my therapist could then deepen and encourage.

I would drop into 15 minutes self-reiki sessions and be shown the layers of generational trauma that had tried to work themselves out in my alcoholism. I could do a shamanic journey and repair the ruptures and woundings I had taken on in my ten years of being blacked out.

I was doing all of this healing while holding down three jobs AND obsessively studying more and more energy practices and healing techniques. My life didn’t have to freeze for me to feel… quite the opposite. I was healing in motion.

Energy Work… Magical Practice as I’ve come to lovingly regard it… is the most profound, most effective, most slip-stream way I’ve found to navigate massive somatic healing and repair. And I’ve tried a LOT of things.

In The Gateway track inside the Radical Healers Immersion program we focus on Reiki and Shamanic practice partially as an homage to my own roots, but also because they are two tremendous doorways to re-ignite our birthright of energetic, magical connection AND because they are profoundly effective at cutting right to the deepest taproot of our dysfunction and offering easeful healing upward and outward.

If you had the tools to drop into 15-20 minutes of deep and radical self-healing on a daily basis, your capacity to experience life in a new and embodied way would shift dramatically. What’s more, life would start to transform before your very eyes.

When I first- accidentally- started working with Energy I was broke, broken, single, physically ill, lonely, and had no sense of direction or purpose in my life.

I write this to you now from my beautiful office that is just my own, where I set my own schedule doing work that is deeply meaningful and fulfilling, that more than provides for my needs and wants, while my unbelievably loving husband is in the other room waiting for me to take a walk with him. My life feels like a dream.

And I didn’t have to #manifest my way into all of this… as I tended to my body and soul through Energy, things just began to change around me.

As if by magic.

If this hits something for you, join us in The Gateway. If you aren’t feeling it yet, stay tuned for more info and insights and don’t forget to use our FREE Tasting Room resources.

Big love, don’t be a stranger



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