The Tasting Room

Welcome! Let’s get you started with all the free offerings you can sample and explore…

Ok, there are so many things I can’t wait to give to you but let’s get some logistics out of the way first: what you need to know…

  • The Radical Healers Immersion Program is a mystery school and energy lab that runs each year from March to December. The 2025 season starts on March 20th, and registration is open now!

  • This Immersion Program has three focus tracks depending on your level of experience and where you want to focus your energetic explorations and cultivations:

    • The Gateway = our nervous system and somatics training, because understanding body energetics is where it all starts, and you aren’t going to get there through your head. Studying magical systems as a pathway into embodiment and ancestral repair is the O.G, and the most sustainable way to get out of the head and into vital living.

    • The Emergence = our “wake up” training because the greatest block to growing is thinking that you are already grown. You are living under invisible rules, made up limitations, and false binaries and we are going to crack those open for you AND give you the tools to keep cracking yourself open as needed for the rest of your life.

    • Integrative Energy Mapping = our “Leaders and Innovators” training because we have hit the limits of what our current tools can do and we need new ones. Cut right to the source of unsolvable problems and get new possibilities spinning in a fraction of the time other traditional coaching and therapeutic systems take.

If you are unsure if you are ready to join us for this 9 month deep dive, or you don’t know where to begin… that is why you are here! In this Tasting Room!

I’m going to give away the goods both here and in our free Slack Channel and whether you decide to take the leap or not, I’m committed to providing insane value in this free space between now and March 20th.

Join the Slack Channel at this link to access daily audio drops and ongoing resources to play with. DON’T SLEEP ON THIS! It’s such a potent way to learn and play on the go.

Scroll down for some starter audio practices attuned to each of the three tracks so that you can get a sense of where you might be called.

If you think The Gateway is for you…

If you think The Emergence is for you…

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

If you think Integrative Energy Mapping is for you…

Ready to go deeper?

The Radical Healers Immersive Program runs every year from March-December, and offers three different focus tracks for a deeper dive into all of these teachings and so much more, with live zoom classes and an active and engaged community to support your metamorphosis. Use code PM250 for $250 off any track, or email me for guidance on which track is right for you.