I don’t do it because I like it…

… slowing down and getting still isn’t a COMFORTABLE process for me. I’m not one of those ooey gooey instagram figures who can in-good-conscience sell a lifestyle of silk robes and lounging about (proud of you, though, if this is you!!)

My soul LIKES to work… I am in pleasure when I am creating. I have ten thousand lifetimes of work piled up that I somehow need to squeeze through in this one human lifetime. I finish one project and ten more ideas suddenly appear in it’s place. I used to be tortured by all the yet-expressed creative force in me… now I’m just thankful for a stream that won’t be drying up in this lifetime.

I slow down- cyclically each year- because its when I can actually hear the tiny whispers of revolt in my body, my heart, and my life. What I thought was working swell while I was too busy to question it suddenly becomes a roar of discontent when I get quiet and still enough to allow it through.

I am grateful AND I am discontent… this is the mastery of opposites I’m currently working. The internal revolution is a refining, distilling force.

Addicts know well the art of dodging the whispers and roars of revolution within. We can drown it in liquor, we can bury it in sugar, we can avoid it through obsessive infatuation and sex. we can even scroll mindlessly on a black screen (the lamest addiction we’ve yet manifested as a collective, lets be honest…so un-metal) and STILL nothing can quiet the voice of change when it comes knocking at our soul’s door. By the way, most of us are addicts to some degree, we just chose a socially acceptable form of distraction.

I talk about my story of getting sober and having the voice-of-god come knocking in this new podcast, in case that is interesting to you.

Change comes knocking and even when we’ve been begging for it, the minute the prospect is in front of us we’ll usually dip, dart, and dodge out of the way.

“Burn it down!” but actually, could you come back at a more convenient time??

Change at the soul level is the most daunting saint to arrive at our door. Hence the reason we have entire industries devoted to “self-discovery” and books written about “finding the self” but no ones wants to tell you that the minute you “find” yourself you’ll just have to start the process over again, because you are a creative, evolving force. You can’t be found… there is no end there.

Empty plastic water bottles being sold during an apocalypse. I guess you could use it to piss in, but at that point who cares?

I have a secret question that is like a mantra I’m taking into 2025. I will probably share it with you eventually. In the meantime, perhaps I can simply transmit the frequency of it through these words, in case it’s a question that can helpfully shake up your life as well.

This email list is going to read more like a blog for the foreseeable future. I thought of starting an actual blog and then I thought… no.

If you need some good inspiration for a way to say not just because you don’t want to do something, I highly recommend this clip.

I want to create the conditions for you to exist as an infinitely evolving force. I want you to to experience a level of liberated being-ness that you have almost no example for. I want us to stop fucking around with empty plastic water bottles when what we crave is a glacial stream in endless motion.

Read below for some structural changes I’m implementing to my work to support the roar of revolution that is banging on my heart these days. It’s all an experiment. If you have questions, don’t be a stranger.

Big love, get quiet… for the revolution.



I’m in a magical process right now and it is WILD…


We’re talking over God these days, I think.